This is one of the few issues favoring propaganda over fact based editorial cartoons. The most blatant ones simply post a misleading cartoon with no supporting explanation such as Eric Allie, Mike Beckom, and Lisa Benson. If they want to hide behind their political opinion cartoons at least provide a brief explanation of them. I would love to be able to understand how they came to their conclusions.

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Beckom, you watch way too much Hannity when you can come up with absolutely nothing cogent but fantasy ridicule. Pathetic, so MAGA of you.

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Trump is the coward. He faked footsie boo boos to avoid military service during Vietnam. Now he's lying & crying & threatening because he lost the last election & is now finally facing justice for all his crimes.

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The one on the right is most likely more of a self portrait of Beckom himself. But I also wonder how many cartoon bucks the Grift King has swindled him for all these years ...sad 🙃

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