Poor Lisa, no one can force you to feel the joy of having our first non-white male president after 250 years of nonstop white male *leadership.* I mean how could you ? Joy for you (& likely many of the self-hating females in the Donnie party its seems) would be to have a geriatric felon as a dictator in the Oval Office followed by one of his felon-to-be children, practically guaranteeing you can keep your little job drawing your little propaganda cartoons to support the MAGAt freedom* (*for just the white guys) agenda & not ever have to bother voting again. Why do you hate yourself so much Lisa ?

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Lisa: What planet have you been vacationing on? If by "Joy" you mean euphoria, OK, maybe not. But Hope? Optimism? Definitely. They're close enough to "Joy" for me and all the people I hang out with over coffee. True, it's hard to tell with my Republican friends -- they all just "don't want to talk about it."

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