Mike Beckom: You don't seem to understand the relationship between the military and foreign policy. Give that money to the troops now, instead of Ukraine, and then in a few years they can earn it when their boots are on the ground in Ukraine. Or under the ground back home.

And BTW, it was Congress that made that choice. All money bills must start in the (Republican controlled) House.

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Real simple, it is coming right back to our military industrial complex and all the Billionaires and their "influenced" congressional representatives. We then can send bombs to Israel to bomb Gaza to rubble.

The fear game has had decades to work as we now alienate China and if China goes, where will we buy our light bulbs.

Fear and it's conversion to anger makes for crazy people.

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Pedro Molina, Pulitzer political cartoon quality.

Succinct. Great color.

And an evil Devil he is, blackguards all.

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